Gerbil Saga

Getting ready for an illicit liaison.

Boromir: Location is everything.

Aragorn: Hey! This looks like a pretty good spot.

Boromir checks out the accomodations.

Aragorn: Ohhyeah baby right there!

Boromir's turn to be on top.

And afterwards...they chewed cardboard together.

This encounter inspired this lovely artwork by the talented Jommy!

The adventures of Aragorn and Boromir continue:
Gerbils of Moria
Leaving Lothlorien
The One Ring
Box Encounter
The Great Breakup
The Truth About Cats And Gerbils
More Cats, More Gerbils
At Home
A Tail of Aragorn and Boromir
Jommy's Illustrated Sagas

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